Beyonce's concert rider has been found out and has some interesting demands. She's not allowing nan a person around her who has candy. Ish might just get jacked...and somebody might lose a limb. And she's real strict about her diet too. Thanks to Beyonceworld.net...here's what the rider at her Denmark concert said:
Kanye West and Mama West hit up her Launch for her new book Raising Kanye.
Boston Market rotissere chicken, garlic steamed broccoli, steamed spinach, green beans, fresh fruit, sugar-free jello and Pepsi products only.”Special notes included: “Do not, under any circumstances, place candy, chocolate or crisps in the room. Dressing room shall be 78°F/25°C at all times.”
Am I the only one who is dying for somebody to put Sugafoot (The Adventures in HollyHood watchers know wassup) in the same room as Sasha? Comedy.
The HB was out and about in Bev. Hills yesterday:

She talks about what it was like raising a superstar. Hmmm...I'll pass.

Bobby Brown says he's scared for his life because
And WTF is going on here? Clearly Bobby and Whit's divorce was only the beginning of the drama. He's also claiming he's been homeless with no money since the split and Whitney needs to pay up. Oh Bobby...And he has the balls to question the judge's judgment of him not being a fit enough parent for Bobbi Kris to live with. Dude still has a secret stash of the white stuff I see....
The YBF chicks looked fab at the Lyric Culture Launch Party/Runway show yesterday:

Tatyana Ali made an appearance:
And so did Eddie's beard Tracy E.:

Source: TC
Usher, Tameka, and Ush's soon to be stepson hit up the Cavs game a couple days ago:
A source who hit up the game tells me Ursh was acting very weird at the game-looking like he had the serious groom jitters. Uncertainty is a mess aint it Ursh...
Stevie Wonder's b-day party went down in the Bahamas last night:
Everybody who's anybody was there--including Janet Jackson. India Arie's in the pic above.
And whose bright idea was it to give this tipsy chick a reality show?
Have a fabulous weekend!