And for some reason...I have a newfound respect for her after this. Fake or not...that's a whole other level of confidence. But foolywang material indeed though.

YBF chick Jennifer Hudson is still promo crazy. She made the cover and spread of the new issue of LIFE magazine:
Fab pics.
And check out the scans from her Essence cover and spread too:

{Shout out to Fresh for the pics} Note to the CGU: Shirring is your friend. And clearly ou Pres. knows it. SO fabulous.
And it didn't take long for Corrine Bailey Rae to shed her grandma image:
She performed at the Brit Awards Wedsneday and looked fab doing so.

As if she needed a "Junior" line. Everything she sells only looks cute on 13 year olds. And the things she rocks rarely ever are in the stores. Oh Kiki....
The Randomness:
- Check out Chili's new song ft. Missy called "Straight Jack Em".
- Check out Alicia Keys in the trailer for her new movie "Nanny Diaries". She plays Scarlett Johansenn's best friend.
- Oprah has tapped Fantasia to play Celie in the Broadway play The Color Purple. Hmmm...Fanny struggled to play herself in her own Lifetime movie. I have a feeling this won't end well....
- Tyra reshoots her SI cover~Just Jared
- Celebs get inspired at the Bombay Sapphire Lounge~The B Life
- Justin Gets "What Goes Around"~Cake & Ice Cream
- Usher gets Peachy~Fresh
- Celeb looks v. Runway looks~Juicy
- Gabby hits up Rachel Ray~Hip and Pop