As I predicted...several times on this blog...there IS indeed a Ray-J/Kim sex tape. Even after both of them lied every chance they got and said there was no sex tape. The trailer and several pics can be seen here. Here's some more pics: {NSFW}
Ray-J talked all that smack to media sources saying he would "never sell a sex tpe and do that to his family and he has a sister and a mom" and Kim pretty much said the same. They both deserve a glass of B*tch Please! The tape has been sold for $1 million to Vivid Media. And I know the folks over at Complex mag are real pissy. Kim's in their newest issue in a long ass interview. She says:
“There is no sex tape! Ray J’s not the kind of guy who would do something
for revenge. There is no amount of money that could ever convince me to release
any tape, even if I had one. I don’t need the money.”

I would have more respect for these two if they just said hell yeah they made a tape and are selling the foolishness for money. They are not Pam and Tommy Lee, so they'll need all the money they can get. Plus from the looks of this tape--it all looks staged as hell. I'm so over this chick and Ray-J. Lying for publicity is so 2004. Boo. The real question here is....will Whitney leave her Jump-off (Ray-J) because of this drama. Clearly moving from Bobby to Ray was not a good look.