That damn Jawn Murray. Gotta love him. Since Ursh hit up the public with a couple open letters/statements as if we care enough to hear his mediatastic words...Jawn hit him up with the same luxury. But he outed him and his girl Tameka about their pending nuptials THIS FRIDAY at The Hamptons at L.A. Reid's home. He said they were moving up the date but who woulda thought this early? Tameka's preggers self must be showing with their son more than Usher shows his ego. And word has it Momma Patton is nowhere on that wedding invite list. Class act those two. Check out Jawn's hilarious open letter to Ursh here.
So they weren't lying...
Random gossip tidbit: Remember a while back...2 years ago to be exact...when Keisha Knight Pulliam kept hinting around that she had a serious boyfriend and denied it was Chingy? But we all of course thought she was playing the celebrity game of lying and didn't believe either of their denials. Lots of folks have been trying to figure out who this mystery man is that she let move in with her in her fab Atlanta home and who she goes out of her way to keep under wraps. Well YBF got the exclusive info that her man is Chris Webber's brother David Webber. He's a former college b-ball player who never really made it into the NBA. But the two actually ended their relationship a couple months ago even though they were on that marriage track. Mystery solved.