Clearly Remy Ma leaving the Squad to go solo wasn't a good look either. Remy "Foolywang" Ma got arrested this weekend for attempted murder and a few other charges. Remy Smith (I use government names when 5-0 is involved) has been accused of shooting a 23 year old woman outside a Manhattan club late Friday/early Saturday. Apparently the woman is...or was...Remy's girl and there was a "dispute" inside the club. The shooting followed when they left. The victim says Remy was clubbin' dirty and shot her. But the victim didn't have to snitch (some folks are sensitive about that word) identify her since Remy crashed her dark blue Escalade right after fleeing extra hard from the scene. Of course she plead not gulity today at her arraignment. I wouldn't be surprised if Remy just got mad because her girl finally became friend enough to tell her that poodle hairdo...and this album cover...is the fool. Y'all know Remy aint the type to take ish lightly.....

Sources say the victim may have been part of her entourage and that the shooting stemmed from an argument that began inside a Chelsea bar. A rapper got in a fight outside pizza bar...the rapper possibly shot someone in her entourage...rapper opened fire on Washington St, Manhattan...after she fired shots - she got into her Escalade and took off...Escalade crashed a few streets away from Washington St...POLICE questioning people who were in Escalade in 6 PCT...RAPPER REMY MA got away.
And according to the Daily News, the victim's name is Makeda Barnes-Joesph who is indeed in Remy's entourage. They say the fight stemmed from money Remy discovered missing while they were out that night. Apparently she accused Makeda of stealing it from her bag. Just...damn.