And Chris Brown had some fun with his fans:
Rihanna also hit up her cover party for Paper mag the other night proudly rockin one Louboutin.
She says she broke a toe while out on the road.
Lord bless the chil'ren:
So while Lauryn performed in the foolywang material that is this getup in Brooklyn Monday night....YBF readers wrote in to say the show was just as bad...again. The crowd was packed to capacity at Wingate Park and 5-0 wasn't letting nan a person more in that piece before it even started. But concert goers say this chick didn't even hit the stage till 2 hours later than scheduled. And it wasn't really her...it was her band. Once she did decide to hit the stage herself...L-Boogie as we know her was nowhere to be found as she performed songs that sounded like it was a hootanany hoedown in that piece. I hear she also wrecked the Miseducation tracks like "Lost Ones" and "Why Does It Hurt So Bad"...and not in a good way. Folks say she was CLEARLY on that good ish. Get it together Ms. Hill.