We've been trying to tell Viv for a few years now that all those extra tight slicked back ponytails were not a good look. Her hairline should sue.

Kelis and Nas celebrated her 28th b-day Friday night at Cameo in the MIA:

Shar J. and her daughter Cassie hit up the Hot in Hollywood party at Henry Fonda Music Box last night:
Interesting. And there's video of her at the party talking about how great of a dad K-Fed is. You aint fooling nobody Shar. We know this is your chance to piss Britney off after she stole your baby daddy.
Rihanna stepped her chi chi game up in Germany this weekend for a performance:

And check out Na-Na Campbell's hot new Pinko ads:

Source: ONTD
That's a bad chick.
And let the Halle is preggers rumors continue:
She was spotted out at The Ivy yesterday. And we seem to be playing this wind v. baby bump game a lot these days with her.
The Randomness:
- So in between the puff, puff, give cycle Method Man will be teaching the kiddies about the dangers of the dro. Or possibly he'll just do so in between takes on the set of How High 2 which kicks off filming soon. I mean...seriously Meth?
- Chick needs meds. Story