You aint slick Terrance. Page Six says not only is he separated from his wife of 14 years (remember when he said just a little while ago he was still 100% with her when he was caught with Na-Na Campbell?), but his new piece of ass--literally--is Kim Kardashian. Surprise surprise. Apparently they were caught hitting up Tenjune together last night with their tongues down each other's throat. Gag. Chick's just trying to get more publicity for her December Playboy cover. Double gag.
Ummm...is that you Mario?:

AK's new promo pic is nice.
Jenny is still killin' it with her style game over in London:

The Randomness:
- Shouts out to all you fabulous folks in participated in the Jena 6 festivities around the world yesterday. Especially to all of y'all who sent in your photos from your protests/marches in Jena and everywhere else. Regardless of how much ignorance remains about the general issues of racial inequality and injustice, your voice was heard.
Stay fab!