Source: Complex.com
On rumors of her relationship with Krucial Keys... "See, I never talk about my personal relationship, which is why I'm not in the gossip rags. The person who people do think that I am involved with is a gentleman named Krucial, who is my production partner." When asked if that's all rumors, she responded, "But his name isn't--everybody calls him Krucial Keys because we have a company together called Krucial Keys, because my name is Keys and his name is Krucial. So there, I've diffused all of those issues right there."
When asked if that's all rumors, she responded, "But his name isn't--everybody calls him Krucial Keys because we have a company together called Krucial Keys, because my name is Keys and his name is Krucial. So there, I've diffused all of those issues right there."
On the stress that she experienced while producing her new album... "I was already hearing very different melodies and musical progressions. It kind of scared me a bit because the things I was writing were reflecting my mood and I wasn't in a very good headspace. I was extremely worried--a lot--very tense, and just began being judgmental of myself. You know when you're not in a good space, you're kind of extra hard on yourself about things that are unnecessary. So on top of whatever I was dealing with, I was creating more hardship because I was being so judgmental about everything. And it was obviously time for me to take some time to figure out what the f*** was going on with me. I'm usually so solid--I'm not the chick that breaks down. I'm not the one who loses it and wilds out, that's not my thing. I was trying to hold in these emotions, so as not to trigger any type of unusual behavior. But it was inevitable."When asked what kind of stress she experienced, she responded, "When you're planning a schedule for an album, you're planning things a year and a half in advance, and saying yes to things a year and a half in advance. And when I confirmed to do [Smokin Aces], the smart thing would have been, 'I can do that, ut I gotta have at least a week off, just so I can kind of get my head together.' That's not what I did."

Source: Alicia-keys.net
Halle's going on Oprah today to talk about Gabriel and her preggers status:

“While I was trying to get pregnant, we tried really hard, so it was a lot of staying home and just doing what you do. … I was watching a lot of [daytime] television and—don’t judge me for this—Maury Povich. … It was about, ‘You are the father. You’re not the father.’ … So what the women do when they find out he’s not the daddy, they run off the stage, right? They run to the back. I don’t know why, but they run to the back. So when we got the positive test—Gabriel was
downstairs in the den—I ran upstairs! I got up there, and I thought, ‘I’ve been watching too much Maury!”
“What Gabriel and I have decided is we will just redefine marriage for
ourselves. You know, that paper isn’t worth anything to me anymore. … I don’t want to do that again, so we have spent a lot of time talking about how can we redefine this. There’s all kinds of ways to commit to one another that doesn’t have to involve the government. I feel more married in a way than I ever have in two marriages before.”