And no...I don't care where this vid has already been posted. Anyway...Atlanta Public Access TV9 superstar Alexyss K. Tylor is making a "Vagina Power" comeback. Apparently people in the ATL were in an uproar about her show that taught women to "fight the power of the penis" so her show ended up getting cancelled. But now...she's back with a vengeance....

She's an ordained minister, community service advocate, and a producer of essential healing oil blends. Her stardom is taking off and lots of folks are hopping on the bandwagon. She's about to take off with all kinds of ish to "fight the power of the D". I honestly can't figure out what is more funny....the look on her mother's face throughout the video....or the fact that this Alexyss is just pure comedy on her own.
Fine Sunday afternoon fun....