And if you want to rock Kelly's shoe game yourself, here's the 3 pair she copped:
Hmmm...not really my style. But I'm sure she'll rock the hell out of all these.
Common was in the studio yesterday recording "Drivin' Me Wild" with Lily Allen for his upcoming album Finding Forever:
It's on and poppin' in MoNique's Charm School. You can catch the full first episode here even though it doesn't premiere on VH-1 till the 15th.

Eve's cover art for her new single is hot. And so is her new single "Tambourine". Definitely a summer banger. It's nice to have E-V-E back in the game.
So did Mama Tina get slapped or not? Folks are going bananas over this Youtube vid:
And this is why I hate Youtube candid videos. I can't see a damn thing other than Mama Tina quickly rolling up that window. But you be the judge. And if she did get slapped, I would have paid money to see that ish.