UPDATE: YBF snitches who were at Asiate at the Mandarin Hotel late last night/early this morning tell me Ursh was spotted outside the Mandarin Hotel then around Madison and Park Ave. in NY. And he was staging this EXACT photo op. Apparently Usher had his photogs take pics of himself solo and some with Tameka so he could sell this fake story to the media. He also was seen getting into his own SUV to leave with his bodyguard Robert but WITHOUT Tameka.

Wyclef did an interview with Scratch magazine recently and he has some serious issues with Lauryn Hill. Here's an excerpt talking about why the Fugees reunion is taking all day:
So what's ultimately holding you guys back?
Lauryn is straight up the problem, bro. She wants to be a producer. Don't come telling us how to chop up beats so you can get credit for it.
What makes you think she would take the credit?
We did a remix [with] Lauryn for John Legend, for the record "How High". John Legend was saying our names. You know what she had [him] do? She was like, 'Take off Wyclef and Jerry's names. Because she wanted people to think that she was the one doing the beat…I'm a producer and I'm a beatmaker with my cousin
Jerry Wonder, and I'm a writer. She's a writer, a vocalist, [and] a great
[vocal] composer. And she's great at picking out samples. She got 20
billion samples but can't chop 'em up to save her life.
Get the rest of the interview here.
The Randomness:
- Interesting.
- Sad news about Robin Roberts from GMA. Hopefully she'll beat this disease as soon as possible.