Naomi was spotted leaving London's Heathrow airport on her way to L.A.:

What in the gummy bite sized hell?!:

Moving on...
Jamie Fox was spotted on the set of his new political thriller The Kingdom yesterday playing some tennis:
Trying to upgrade his game for his secret crush Serena I see.
Blu Cantrell was spotted outside of Hyde nightclub last night:
Is she really still going out to hotspots like her name is still relevant? I'm just sayin'...
LL helped to launch the new Subway Fresh Fit "Healthier For You" Menu in NY yesterday:And he kicked it with Jared too.
And finally, here's the much talked about $46,000 Louis Vuitton bag:
It's officially the most expensive bag in the world and only 4 have been made. I know Kimora knocked a few chicks upside the head somewhere to get her claws on this one. Apparently it's a montage of all the past iconic Louis bags. Whatev. I'm still not impressed...
The Randomness:
- And the "I Hate J-Hud" train is now boarding thanks to the media. Story
- Check out the "Icebox remix" ft. Usher.
- The Blind Item of the week is up over at my myspace page.