So yesterday B took back the publicity wheel and hit up TRL and 106 and Park to debut her 2 new vids for "Upgrade U" and "Beautiful Liar":

Love the curliness...hate the HouseofDamnitsstillwrong camo dress.
Loves the "Upgrade U" vid.
And here's a video montage of all the vids she has coming up for the B'Day re-release:
She's adding about 6 Spanish songs to the album. And apparently she has a vid for almost every song. Is this a record or something?

Leaving TRL
I guess catsuit jumpsuits are making a comeback. Damn. And more importantly...for the first time in years...this chick killed the breakup rumors of her and Jigga on national tv. She said people always assume they "broke up because they're not attached at the hip", but everything is fine. Am I the only one surprised she addressed him directly as her man? Probably...but they're officially back on my fave couple list. Yeah I said it...
Beyonce is now on a YBF timeout until next week because I know y'all are about to kill Haloscan with the comments.
Stay tuned!