Now I usually have nothing nice to say about Kobe's Mrs. because she always looks like she can't decided between a Rodeo Drive club or the strip club. But I actually really like Vanessa's bold colored dress and accessories....and even the shoes. Kobe looked sexy per usual (yes, I hate to admit it). Y'all Bryants done good this time. Ha.

Acress Tracie Thoms was there.

And Common's sexy self....*sigh*
YBF uberfab chick Nia Long hosted the Discover Noblige event in Long Beach last night:
Too cute.
She chatted it up with Hill Harper.
Holly Robinson Peete made an appearance.
She's one of those chicks who needs to write a book about how to be fabulous without even trying.
And ummm...who's this Ms. Nia:
His name is Kevin Phillips and y'all look quite cozy. Especially since you say you have a boyfirend who you refuse to reveal the name of. Mmmhmmm.
Chris Aire and Hill Harper checked out the ice.

Desiree Calinen, Ananda Lewis and John Witherspoon
And finally, Brandy as spotted out and about in West Hollywood:
I wonder what she's up to these days. Saving up for those multi million dollar lawsuits I hope....