Something tells me folks will still keep up the breakup rumors though. The couple has been in Mexico since Saturday chillaxin'. Hopefully the bigger photos will surface soon.

This outfit is Kelis meets Beyonce and it all goes very very wrong.
My sources who saw the performance say she's going toward a more soulful and jazz sound. Whatev. Chick just needs to stick with modeling for HouseofDamnitswrong.
And since it was also Hip Hop Summit weekend, Free and Slim were there too:

Something about Free just isn't the fabulousness she used to be.
And YBF reader Shameka sent in some pics of Papa Knowles showing love to LaToya on stage at the Hip Hop Summit:
He even asked the crown that if Jay and Beyonce really broke up...would he be wearing this Roca Wear shirt? The real question here is...what possessed you to rock that ugly ass shirt regardless of who asked you to rock it Papa Knowles?
Moving on...
Here's another pic of Djimon and KiKi canoodling just for S's and G's:

Y'all all got played boo. And you're prolly still getting played Nick. Let it go....
And finally, J-Hud hit the Craig Ferguson show last night: