The 2007 CFDA Fashion Awards went down last night in NY. Celebs stepped out looking fabulous:

I'm not feeling Oprah's look:

But it doesn't really matter because she's Lady O.
Selita Ebanks made metallic orange look hot:

And so did Diddy:
And Vanessa Williams looked hella fab.
- Everybody around Nicole Starvrichie needs to be slapped~Juicy-News
- Pink-We're still not buying this rebel ish~ Gabsmash
- The Knowles pimp the UK~C&D
- Get A Job Rosie~Celebrity Smack
- Because Mike Tyson hasn't figured out yet that he's an idiot ~ ONTD
- The whackest pimp and ho in the game never cease to amaze me~ Dlisted
- We're due for another International Player's Anthem~Nah Right
- Trina's still on that breakup diet plan~ Cake& Ice-Cream