Remember Coral from The Real World? Yeah...well now she's coming out of the anybody who'll listen:

Oh...and there's video. These two never cease to amaze me.
But her antics are. This chick showed up to a party in London this weekend angel'd out. We all know better Ms. Campbell.
And look who decided to show up at Toronto's MuchMusic Video Awards this weekend:

What is your sexual orientation? You dated men on Real
Oh, yeah. It’s very cloudy at this point in time. I’m definitely
venturing toward my lesbian qualities. It’s been a long time coming. At that time, I was really unsure. That was not the proper venue, the proper platform. To come out to your parents on a fucking reality show, I think that’s just mean, so I didn’t.
Your girlfriend is very beautiful.
She’s not my girlfriend. I’m attracted to beautiful women.
Beautiful women tend to be attracted to me. It really seems to work out for me.
You’re coming out more, doing LGBT
I’ve always been really supportive of the community. I just felt it
was something I belonged to and had to show up for. I love doing this kind of thing. It’s really positive and shows we’re capable and can run shit. Gay men run shit in L.A., honey. If you want to go out with somebody in L.A., they have
businesses and money and depth. Gay men are coming up and are very
Do you feel a sense of responsibility now that you’re coming
I guess I get a little nervous. Just saying it is a little . . .
It’s a little surreal. I’m not scared. I walk around holding hands. It’s not a problem for me, but I do fear backlash to some degree. Everyone has something negative to say, and I don’t really want to deal with it. Other than that, I don’t care. Hell, I’m old. I’m 28!
Note to Coral...while it is all a bit one cares. But then again...she dated Abe for a long ass minute during all those Real World/Road Rules challenges. So nothing about this chick should surprise me.
It was GAL's b-day this weekend and he and the wifey hit up the Hamptons and Stereo by the Shore nightclub. All in his deep V-neck sexiness of a top:

So Naomi isn't really a has been:

And look who decided to show up at Toronto's MuchMusic Video Awards this weekend:
Hot damn Ginuwine. Where you been? And I hope you're laughing at nobody but your damn self for being this happy to show off tix to a video awards event. I know it's been a while since you got invited anywhere but damn.
The Randomness:
- Djimon and KiKi....stop playin'.