Not really my reminds me too much of my cheerleading competition song days. But since teeny boppers and grown ass men who are too old to be watching this ish are her new audience, they'll be ecstatic. On a side note...peep Rih Rih in this vid to find out how to rock oversized gold hooped earrings....Meagan Good.

Part II of Tameka Foster's interview is up over at She says Wendy Williams is obsessed with her: You aren't just talked about in cyberspace; you're being shouted out on the airwaves as well, especially by shock jock Wendy Williams.
Tameka Foster: Wendy Williams is obsessed with me. I think that is so sexy to have someone talk about me every day, especially when I don't have a CD, demo or TV pilot. I'm just a stylist and designer and if I can be mentioned in the same breath as Diddy, then I must be doing something right. I think she loves me more than she lets on. I need to make her a part of my marketing team.
Gotta love it.
UPDATE: Y'all know Wendy responded to this chick today. Listen to the audio here.