Moving on.....
Because YBF like to showcase fresh new music:

Brick and Lace is a new Jamican American duo signed to Akon's Kon Live label (the same label as Chilli and Kandi from Xscape). Their debut album Love is Wicked hits stores soon. Check out their new title track here. They remind me of a hybrid of Rihanna and Nina Sky. Check out their myspace page for more info and music.
Speaking of Rih Rih, here's some shots from her "Shut Up and Drive" video:

Interesting. The Urban Twist has her full Good Girl Gone Bad album for you to listen.

Ashanti is working on a new album right now. It's scheduled to drop Septmber of this year. She'll also be on the silver screen in Resident Evil 3 as "Betty". It hits theaters September 21st of this year.
This dude Ray-J is out of line:

And it gets better....

Trojan has signed up Ray-J to be the spokesman for their condom line. I'm just mad they're sponsoring more foolywang material because y'all know more sex tapes of Ray-J's will "leak" now. Boo. {Thanks ONTD}
Do you have Beyonceitis? Funny ish.
The Randomness:
- The Rock and his wife are splitsville. Story